236 research outputs found

    El auge de los laboratorios de innovación en los medios de comunicación

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    Treball de Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016La etapa de crisis que atraviesan los medios de comunicación ha hecho aflorar en el seno de las empresas periodísticas laboratorios de innovación –o simplemente labs– que tratan de conectar con el público de una forma alternativa y ofrecer un valor añadido a sus productos. Esta investigación profundiza en la irrupción de estos labs y se plantea conocer por qué cada vez más medios deciden apostar por unidades dedicadas a la experimentación con nuevas fórmulas, así como averiguar las principales similitudes y diferencias entre los laboratorios españoles e internacionales. Para ello, se pone el foco en los 10 labs que, a junio de 2016, se encuentran implantados en medios españoles, con el objetivo de examinar las características, las modalidades y las temáticas con las que se trabaja. En total, 225 proyectos de innovación han sido analizados. Los resultados obtenidos revelan, en primer lugar, que el periodismo de datos es una especialidad en auge en el contexto español; y, en segundo, que las historias de interés humano y las noticias blandas son los temas más recurrentes entre estos departamentos. Asimismo, aunque a escala internacional se detecta una línea de trabajo más centrada en el desarrollo de aplicaciones digitales y la promoción de proyectos comerciales, se identifica un gran reto común: la visualización de la información en formato móvil.Media are going through a stage of crisis that has allowed appearing innovation laboratories within news companies. Also known simply as labs, these media departments try to connect better with the audience and to offer an added value to their products. This research explores the emergence of this phenomenon, and it focuses on to know why more and more media decide to bet on labs. Moreover, it studies the main similarities and differences between the Spanish and international laboratories. A study of 10 Spanish labs was performed as of June 2016 in order to analyse their characteristics and modalities, as well as a total of 225 news items were subjected to content analysis for this study. The results demonstrate, firstly, data journalism is a booming specialty in the Spanish context and, secondly, soft news is the most used topics. Although international labs focus on carrying out digital apps and promoting business activities, the Spanish model and foreign model have a common challenge: the display of news items in mobile phone format

    Measure and effects of physical activity in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

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    Antecedents: La Malaltia Pulmonar Obstructiva Crònica (MPOC) és una de les principals causes de mortalitat i discapacitat a nivell mundial. L'activitat física és un dels pocs factors modificables que desacceleren l'evolució de la MPOC. No obstant, la dosi i les característiques de l'activitat física responsables de la desacceleració són encara desconegudes. En conseqüència, els objectius d'aquesta tesi són avançar i perfeccionar la metodologia i els instruments per avaluar l'activitat física realitzada pels malalts amb MPOC, aprofundir en el coneixement sobre les característiques i els patrons de la seva activitat física i determinar quines característiques de l'activitat física milloren el pronòstic dels malalts amb MPOC. Mètodes: Han participat 177 individus amb MPOC estable seleccionats de 8 hospitals a Espanya (94% homes, edat mitjana±DE 71±8 anys, volum expiratori forçat en 1 s 52±16% i índex de massa corporal 29±5 kg·m-2). L'activitat física va ser mesurada per un acceleròmetre (SenseWear® Pro2 Armband) i per un qüestionari (Yale Physical Activity Survey, YPAS). Les variables sociodemogràfiques (edat, sexe, estat civil, nivell educatiu, nivell socioeconòmic, situació laboral i hàbit tabàquic) i les variables clíniques (limitació al flux d'aire, hiperinsuflació pulmonar, díspnea, intercanvi de gasos, inflamació sistèmica i local, composició corporal, comorbiditats, qualitat de vida i capacitat d'exercici), es van obtenir utilitzant instruments validats i seguint les normes internacionals. La informació sobre l'evolució de la malaltia (els ingressos hospitalaris i la mortalitat) es va obtenir dels registres dels governs. Resultats: (Objectiu 1) El YPAS és una eina vàlida per a la detecció precoç de la inactivitat dels individus amb MPOC [àrea sota la corba ROC (95% IC) = 0.71 (0,63-0,79)]. (Objectiu 2) El 97% dels individus amb MPOC són capaços de realitzar episodis de 10 minuts d'activitat física moderada-vigorosa. Més del 50% dels individus amb MPOC compleixen amb les recomanacions de l'Organització Mundial de la Salut sobre l'activitat física per a la gent gran. La quantitat d'activitat física, la proporció d'aquesta activitat realitzada en episodis de 10 minuts i la freqüència d'aquests episodis va disminuir amb l'augment de la gravetat de la MPOC. (Objectiu 3) La quantitat i la intensitat de l'activitat física són determinants independents de l'evolució de la MPOC. El risc d'hospitalització per MPOC és un 20% menor per cada 1000 passos diaris addicionals realitzats en baixa intensitat. No obstant, una major quantitat de passos diaris a una alta intensitat mitjana no influeix en el risc d'hospitalització per MPOC (HR = 1.01; p = 0,919). Conclusions: El YPAS és una eina vàlida per a la detecció precoç dels individus amb MPOC físicament inactius. Els pacients amb MPOC greu i molt greu realitzen menys episodis i quantitat d'activitat física, i tenen menor la ràtio entre episodis i quantitat que en aquells en estat lleu i moderat. Una major quantitat d'activitat física de baixa intensitat redueix el risc d'hospitalització per MPOC.Antecedentes: La Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC) es una de las principales causas de mortalidad y discapacidad a nivel mundial. La actividad física es uno de los pocos factores modificables que desaceleran la evolución de la EPOC. Sin embargo, la dosis y las características de la actividad física responsables de la desaceleración son todavía desconocidas. En consecuencia, los objetivos de esta tesis son avanzar y perfeccionar la metodología e instrumentos para evaluar la actividad física realizada por los enfermos con EPOC, profundizar en el conocimiento sobre las características y patrones de su actividad física y determinar qué características de la actividad física mejoran el pronóstico de los enfermos con EPOC. Métodos: Han participado 177 individuos con EPOC estable seleccionados de 8 hospitales en España (94% hombre, edad media±DE 71±8 años, volumen espiratorio forzado predicho en 1 s 52±16% e índice de masa corporal 29±5 kg·m-2). La actividad física fue medida por un acelerómetro (SenseWear® Pro2 Armband) y por un cuestionario (Yale Physical Activity Survey, YPAS). Las variables sociodemográficas (edad, sexo, estado civil, nivel educativo, nivel socioeconómico, situación laboral y hábito tabáquico) y las variables clínicas (limitación al flujo aereo, hiperinsuflación pulmonar, disnea, intercambio de gases, inflamación sistémica y local, composición corporal, comorbilidades, calidad de la vida y capacidad de ejercicio), se obtuvieron utilizando instrumentos validados y siguiendo las normas internacionales. La información sobre la evolución de la enfermedad (ingresos hospitalarios y mortalidad) se obtuvo de los registros gubernamentales. Resultados: (Objetivo 1) El YPAS es una herramienta válida para la detección precoz de la inactividad de los individuos con EPOC [área bajo la curva ROC (95% IC) = 0.71 (0.63-0.79)]. (Objetivo 2) El 97% de los individuos con EPOC son capaces de realizar episodios de 10 minutos de actividad física moderada-vigorosa. Más del 50% de los individuos con EPOC cumplen con la recomendación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud sobre actividad física para las personas mayores. La cantidad de actividad física, la proporción de ésta realizada en episodios de 10 minutos y la frecuencia de estos episodios disminuyó con el aumento de la gravedad de la EPOC. (Objetivo 3) La cantidad y la intensidad de la actividad física son determinantes independientes de la evolución de la EPOC. El riesgo de hospitalización por EPOC es un 20% menor por cada 1000 pasos adicionales realizados en baja intensidad media. Sin embargo, una mayor cantidad de pasos diarios a una alta intensidad media no influye en el riesgo de hospitalización por EPOC (HR = 1.01; p = 0,919). Conclusiones: El YPAS es una herramienta válida para la detección precoz de los individuos con EPOC físicamente inactivos. Los pacientes con EPOC grave y muy grave realizan menos episodios y cantidad de actividad física, y tienen menor el ratio entre episodios y cantidad que en aquellos en estado leve y moderado. Una mayor cantidad de actividad física de baja intensidad reduce el riesgo de hospitalización por EPOC.Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a leading cause of worldwide mortality and disability. Physical activity is one of the few modifiable factors that decelerate COPD evolution. Nonetheless, the dose and characteristics of physical activity responsible of the deceleration are still unknown. In consequence, the aims of this thesis are to move forward and refine the methodology and instruments to evaluate the physical activity of COPD individuals, go in depth in the knowledge about the characteristics and the pattern of their physical activity, and determine which physical activity characteristics improve the prognosis of COPD patients. Methods: 177 individuals with stable COPD selected from 8 hospitals in Spain have participated (94% male, mean±SD age 71±8 years, forced expiratory volume in 1 s 52±16% predicted and body mass index 29±5 kg·m-2). Physical activity was measured with an accelerometer (SenseWear® Pro2 Armband) and with a questionnaire (Yale Physical Activity Survey, YPAS). The sociodemographic (age, sex, civil status, educational level, socioeconomic status, employment status, and tobacco habit) and clinical variables (airflow limitation, lung hyperinflation, dyspnoea, gas exchange, local and systemic inflammation, body composition, comorbidities, quality of life, and exercise capacity), were obtained using validated tools and following international standards. Information about the evolution of the disease (Hospital Admissions and Mortality) was obtained from government registries. Results: (Objective 1) The YPAS is a valid tool for the detection of COPD individuals’ inactivity [the area under the ROC curve is 0.71 (95% CI: 0.63–0.79)]. (Objective 2) The 97% of COPD individuals are able to perform 10-minutes bouts of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. More than 50% of the COPD individuals met the World Health Organization recommendation of physical activity for the elderly. The quantity of physical activity, the percentage of activity done in bouts and the frequency of bouts decreased with increasing COPD severity. (Objective 3) The quantity and the intensity of physical activity are independent determinants of the COPD evolution. Every additional 1000 daily steps at low-average intensity reduce by 20% the risk of COPD hospitalisation. However, a greater quantity of daily steps at high-average intensity does not influence the risk of COPD hospitalisation (HR 1.01, p=0.919). Conclusion: The YPAS is a valid instrument for the early screening of COPD patients who run the risk of sedentarism. Patients with severe and very severe COPD perform fewer bouts and less quantity of physical activity, and have lower ratio between bouts and quantity than those in mild and moderate stages. Higher quantity of low-intensity physical activity reduces the risk of COPD hospitalization

    Fluxoid formation: size effects and non-equilibrium universality

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    Simple causal arguments put forward by Kibble and Zurek suggest that the scaling behaviour of condensed matter at continuous transitions is related to the familiar universality classes of the systems at quasi-equilibrium. Although proposed 25 years ago or more, it is only in the last few years that it has been possible to devise experiments from which scaling exponents can be determined and in which this scenario can be tested. In previous work, an unusually high Kibble-Zurek scaling exponent was reported for spontaneous fluxoid production in a single isolated superconducting Nb loop, albeit with low density. Using analytic approximations backed up by Langevin simulations, we argue that densities as small as these are too low to be attributable to scaling, and are conditioned by the small size of the loop. We also reflect on the physical differences between slow quenches and small rings, and derive some criteria for these differences, noting that recent work on slow quenches does not adequately explain the anomalous behaviour seen here.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, presentation given at CMMP 201

    Built Environment Interventions to Increase Active Travel: a Critical Review and Discussion

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    Purpose of Review: To review the literature on built environment interventions to increase active travel, focusing on work since 2000 and on methodological choices and challenges affecting studies. Recent Findings: Increasingly, there is evidence that built environment interventions can lead to more walking or cycling. Evidence is stronger for cycling than for walking interventions, and there is a relative lack of evidence around differential impacts of interventions. Some of the evidence remains methodologically weak, with much work in the ‘grey’ literature. Summary: While evidence in the area continues to grow, data gaps remain. Greater use of quasi-experimental techniques, improvements in routine monitoring of smaller schemes, and the use of new big data sources are promising. More qualitative research could help develop a more sophisticated understanding of behaviour change

    Estabilidad del rendimiento de algunos genotipos de habichuela en Honduras

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    Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars are grown under diverse environmental conditions in Central America because of geography, multiple growing seasons and variable inputs. The regression of mean genotype yields onto mean environment yields may provide useful information for selecting beans with greater yield stability when grown under these conditions. The principal objective of this research was to test yield stability of bean cultivars and promising breeding lines across a range of environments representative of the bean growing regions of Honduras. In 1984, 25 cultivars/breeding lines of various origins were grown in 23 field trials in Honduras. The trials were conducted during two seasons and in three different departments. Stability was examined on the basis of mean square deviations (MSD) from regression, large rank order changes among mean seed yield of genotypes were evident when different seasons and departments were compared. A highly significant correlation of the regression slope (b) with mean genotype yield supported use of MSD to assess yield stability. Mean yield and MSD were not correlated. The two determinate cultivars in the trial had poor stability characteristics. Honduran varieties had greater yield and better stability characteristics than most entries in the trial. Black-seeded lines 'B-190', '3B-5-1' and '8325-7' had high mean yield and good stability characteristics. These results show the importance of testing for yield stability if a cultivar is to be released for use in different regions and seasons in Central American countries. Also high yield and stability, judged on the basis of MSD, can occur in the same genotype.Varias cultivares de habichuela (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) se sembraron en América Central en una variedad de condiciones ambientales debido a la geografía de las áreas de siembra y a las diversas estaciones de crecimiento a lo largo de todo el año. Las regresiones de los promedios de rendimiento de los genotipos y de los rendimientos medios por ambiente pueden proveer información valiosa para seleccionar líneas con una mejor estabilidad de rendimiento. El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue estudiar la estabilidad de rendimiento de cultivares y líneas de mejoramiento de habichuela con características prometedoras para autorizar su uso en tres áreas productoras de habichuela de Honduras. Los experimentos se sembraron durante dos épocas de siembra en tres departamentos del país. La estabilidad de rendimiento se determinó a partir de las desviaciones del cuadrado medio (MSD). De las regresiones se pudo observar grandes cambios en el orden de los genotipos cuando se compararon las épocas y los lugares de siembra. Una correlación altamente significativa entre la pendiente de regresión y el promedio de rendimiento por genotipo respalda el uso del método de las MSD para estudiar estabilidad de rendimiento. El promedio de rendimiento y las MSD no estuvieron correlacionados. Las dos cultivares determinadas incluidas en los exprerimentos presentaron características pobres de estabilidad. De las cuatro variedades de Honduras, dos de ellas tuvieron mejores rendimientos y estabilidad que la mayoría de las cultivares incluidas en los experimentos. Las líneas negras B-190, 3B-5-1 y 8325-7 presentaron buena estabilidad y excelentes promedios de rendimiento. Estos resultados muestran la importancia que tiene estudiar la estabilidad de rendimiento de una cultivar de frijol que se autoriza para sembrarse en diferentes regiones y estaciones de siembra de los países centroamericanos y también nos indica que y los altos rendimientos y la estabilidad medidos a base de las MSD pueden estar presentes en el mismo genotipo

    The neighbourhood environment and profiles of the metabolic syndrome

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    Background: There is a dearth of studies on how neighbourhood environmental attributes relate to the metabolic syndrome (MetS) and profiles of MetS components. We examined the associations of interrelated aspects of the neighbourhood environment, including air pollution, with MetS status and profiles of MetS components. Methods: We used socio-demographic and MetS-related data from 3681 urban adults who participated in the 3rd wave of the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study. Neighbourhood environmental attributes included area socio-economic status (SES), population density, street intersection density, non-commercial land use mix, percentages of commercial land, parkland and blue space. Annual average concentrations of NO2 and PM2.5 were estimated using satellite-based land-use regression models. Latent class analysis (LCA) identified homogenous groups (latent classes) of participants based on MetS components data. Participants were then classified into five metabolic profiles according to their MetS-components latent class and MetS status. Generalised additive mixed models were used to estimate relationships of environmental attributes with MetS status and metabolic profiles. Results: LCA yielded three latent classes, one including only participants without MetS ("Lower probability of MetS components" profile). The other two classes/profiles, consisting of participants with and without MetS, were "Medium-to-high probability of high fasting blood glucose, waist circumference and blood pressure" and "Higher probability of MetS components". Area SES was the only significant predictor of MetS status: participants from high SES areas were less likely to have MetS. Area SES, percentage of commercial land and NO2 were associated with the odds of membership to healthier metabolic profiles without MetS, while annual average concentration of PM2.5 was associated with unhealthier metabolic profiles with MetS. Conclusions: This study supports the utility of operationalising MetS as a combination of latent classes of MetS components and MetS status in studies of environmental correlates. Higher socio-economic advantage, good access to commercial services and low air pollution levels appear to independently contribute to different facets of metabolic health. Future research needs to consider conducting longitudinal studies using fine-grained environmental measures that more accurately characterise the neighbourhood environment in relation to behaviours or other mechanisms related to MetS and its components

    The neighbourhood environment and profiles of the metabolic syndrome

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    Background There is a dearth of studies on how neighbourhood environmental attributes relate to the metabolic syndrome (MetS) and profiles of MetS components. We examined the associations of interrelated aspects of the neighbourhood environment, including air pollution, with MetS status and profiles of MetS components. Methods We used socio-demographic and MetS-related data from 3681 urban adults who participated in the 3rd wave of the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study. Neighbourhood environmental attributes included area socio-economic status (SES), population density, street intersection density, non-commercial land use mix, percentages of commercial land, parkland and blue space. Annual average concentrations of NO2 and PM2.5 were estimated using satellite-based land-use regression models. Latent class analysis (LCA) identified homogenous groups (latent classes) of participants based on MetS components data. Participants were then classified into five metabolic profiles according to their MetS-components latent class and MetS status. Generalised additive mixed models were used to estimate relationships of environmental attributes with MetS status and metabolic profiles. Results LCA yielded three latent classes, one including only participants without MetS (“Lower probability of MetS components” profile). The other two classes/profiles, consisting of participants with and without MetS, were “Medium-to-high probability of high fasting blood glucose, waist circumference and blood pressure” and “Higher probability of MetS components”. Area SES was the only significant predictor of MetS status: participants from high SES areas were less likely to have MetS. Area SES, percentage of commercial land and NO2 were associated with the odds of membership to healthier metabolic profiles without MetS, while annual average concentration of PM2.5 was associated with unhealthier metabolic profiles with MetS. Conclusions This study supports the utility of operationalising MetS as a combination of latent classes of MetS components and MetS status in studies of environmental correlates. Higher socio-economic advantage, good access to commercial services and low air pollution levels appear to independently contribute to different facets of metabolic health. Future research needs to consider conducting longitudinal studies using fine-grained environmental measures that more accurately characterise the neighbourhood environment in relation to behaviours or other mechanisms related to MetS and its components

    Preliminary Study on the Onset of Necking Detection Using DIT in Tensile Tests

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    The experimental detection of localized necking is an important issue in sheet metal forming. Today, the most common and extended techniques are strain-based methods using digital image correlation (DIC). The present work discuses a thermal methodology to detect the onset of necking in metals based on the analysis of the temperature gradient using digital infrared thermography (DIT). A series of tensile tests of H240LA-O3 high-strength steel of 1.2mm thickness is analysed using DIC and DIT techniques. It is proposed that necking initiates when the temperature difference at a reference distance from the necking point reaches a critical value, which allows identifying the necking time and estimating the limit strains from the visible images using circle grid analysis

    Improving traffic-related air pollution estimates by modelling minor road traffic volumes

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    Accurately estimating annual average daily traffic (AADT) on minor roads is essential for assessing traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) exposure, particularly in areas where most people live. Our study assessed the direct and indirect external validity of three methods used to estimate AADT on minor roads in Melbourne, Australia. We estimated the minor road AADT using a fixed-value approach (assuming 600 vehicles/day) and linear and negative binomial (NB) models. The models were generated using road type, road importance index, AADT and distance of the nearest major road, population density, workplace density, and weighted road density. External measurements of traffic counts, as well as black carbon (BC) and ultrafine particles (UFP), were conducted at 201 sites for direct and indirect validation, respectively. Statistical tests included Akaike information criterion (AIC) to compare models’ performance, the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) for direct validation, and Spearman’s correlation coefficient for indirect validation. Results show that 88.5% of the roads in Melbourne are minor, yet only 18.9% have AADT. The performance assessment of minor road models indicated comparable performance for both models (AIC of 1,023,686 vs. 1,058,502). In the direct validation with external traffic measurements, there was no difference between the three methods for overall minor roads. However, for minor roads within residential areas, CCC (95% confidence interval [CI]) values were − 0.001 (− 0.17; 0.18), 0.47 (0.32; 0.60), and 0.29 (0.18; 0.39) for the fixed-value approach, the linear model, and the NB model, respectively. In the indirect validation, we found differences only on UFP where the Spearman’s correlation (95% CI) for both models and fixed-value approach were 0.50 (0.37; 0.62) and 0.34 (0.19; 0.48), respectively. In conclusion, our linear model outperformed the fixed-value approach when compared against traffic and TRAP measurements. The methodology followed in this study is relevant to locations with incomplete minor road AADT data

    Improving traffic-related air pollution estimates by modelling minor road traffic volumes

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    Accurately estimating annual average daily traffic (AADT) on minor roads is essential for assessing traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) exposure, particularly in areas where most people live. Our study assessed the direct and indirect external validity of three methods used to estimate AADT on minor roads in Melbourne, Australia. We estimated the minor road AADT using a fixed-value approach (assuming 600 vehicles/day) and linear and negative binomial (NB) models. The models were generated using road type, road importance index, AADT and distance of the nearest major road, population density, workplace density, and weighted road density. External measurements of traffic counts, as well as black carbon (BC) and ultrafine particles (UFP), were conducted at 201 sites for direct and indirect validation, respectively. Statistical tests included Akaike information criterion (AIC) to compare models' performance, the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) for direct validation, and Spearman's correlation coefficient for indirect validation. Results show that 88.5% of the roads in Melbourne are minor, yet only 18.9% have AADT. The performance assessment of minor road models indicated comparable performance for both models (AIC of 1,023,686 vs. 1,058,502). In the direct validation with external traffic measurements, there was no difference between the three methods for overall minor roads. However, for minor roads within residential areas, CCC (95% confidence interval [CI]) values were -0.001 (-0.17; 0.18), 0.47 (0.32; 0.60), and 0.29 (0.18; 0.39) for the fixed-value approach, the linear model, and the NB model, respectively. In the indirect validation, we found differences only on UFP where the Spearman's correlation (95% CI) for both models and fixed-value approach were 0.50 (0.37; 0.62) and 0.34 (0.19; 0.48), respectively. In conclusion, our linear model outperformed the fixed-value approach when compared against traffic and TRAP measurements. The methodology followed in this study is relevant to locations with incomplete minor road AADT data